“3-in-1” I AM Poster, Dry erase planner, and Worship Journal Mini Notebook

“It is a blessing to invest in your daily walk with God! I pray that God’s power and consuming fire
refresh, restore, renew, and revive your soul. May your spirit become free and one with God as
you experience comfort, encouragement, healing, wholeness, and the voice of God” (Elder
Dorn Walker).
Here are some suggestions for Worshiping God with the 3-in1 “I Am” Poster, dry-erase
“Worship Planner” and “Worship Journal”:

Place the “I AM” Poster in a location where it will always be visible and accessible. Use it daily to
Worship God by calling out or singing His many names and attributes.
Give God thanks for what He has done in your life. (i.e. When you couldn’t find your way, He
became “The Way Maker”. When you were lonely, thank Him for “Never leaving you or
forsaking you” and for being the “Friend that sticketh closer than a brother”).
Perhaps you have not yet experienced your breakthrough or deliverance in a specific area. Call
out His name(s) that relate to that area of need and focus on who He is and what He can and
will do in your life.
You may use the dry-erase “Worship Planner” to plan your times of worship or to challenge
yourself to spend more time with God by documenting, with the enclosed dry-erase marker, the
days and length of time you spend in worship.
The “Worship Journal” can be used for recording encounters with God, as well as instructions or
simple words spoken into your spirit by The Almighty God.
Your package also includes a mini notebook for permanently transferring your entries from your
dry-erase poster.

Remember, “Worship” is whatever we are committed and devoted to; what we live and die for
and whatever we can never live without; whatever we love with all our heart, soul, mind, and
strength and are willing to sacrifice our entire life for (including our time, alms, gifts, the things
we own and treasure). May Jesus always be the center and focus of your worship!
